The Facebook trend seems to still be growing but I wonder if it’s about over. I am a slow adopter of current trends. A year and a half ago while working at Camp Rockmont, Doug challenged my friend Emilie to get me on Facebook. My own flesh and blood offspring would get too aggravated with me to teach me the basics. So a few afternoons when the infirmary was not hopping with awesome stinky, sweaty, shirtless wounded warriors, Emilie patiently set me up and opened a window to this century for me.
I warned Doug. I told him I did not have time to play computer. I told him I would find everybody I knew since I was two. I still stand my ground that I am not addicted. With my slow personality, it just takes me longer than most. After a month on line, Laurel walked in my bedroom as I was slowly pecking away on our lap top. She tried to tell me something and I barely responded. She squinted her eyes, tightened her lips and said as she walked out disgustedly, “Just look at you!!”
Well, I can check through quicker now. I’m not even on everyday. But the other morning Mark Zuckerman helped me in morning devos. I like to have a couple of hours early in the day but since I’m working as a school nurse an hour is about all I get. So after reading my through the Bible in a year passages, and slowly trying to digest “Streams in the Desert”, I still want focused prayer time. I have a detailed prayer journal that I use but I’ve needed a change on these more rushed early mornings.
So what did I write across the top of my journal page? I scratched out in pencil a paraphrase of Facebook’s status update, “What’s on your mind?” I wrote, “What’s on my mind?” I wanted to get down to the bottom of prayer that morning. I scribbled under that sentence the biggies of my day and life. I felt like I had unloaded my heart to God and onto my physical preparation for the day I went and made it to work on time.
So when you think about prayer, you know God just wants you to talk with Him. He wants to know “What’s on your mind?” Tell Him, cry out to Him, pour your heart out to Him. You may even see some status change in your profile.
Joan Dorman